Thursday, 28 February 2008

Day 88

I didn't manage to get out and run until 8pm tonight, so it felt a little tough getting the 6 miles in. Despite my fortnight of rest from running, I still seem to be putting in good times - 46:08 for today. My legs definitely need to get used to running again. It's amazing what a difference a break in the routine can have. With 40+ days left until the big day, it shouldn't prove to be an issue though.

Tomorrow's a rest day, so it's off down the gym instead.

See you on Saturday!

Chris P

(sponsor me here)

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Day 87

Firstly, apologies for being away for so long. It's been a very busy week with one thing and another, and to be honest I just haven't had the energy to keep everything updated.

Ok, so let's start with the important stuff first. Unfortunately Mum isn't doing so well. She went into the Hospice on Saturday night and has been into hospital and back to the Hospice again. The doctors feel that there isn't a lot of point in doing any further operations, so from here on in it's about controlling the pain levels. When I first set out to run the marathon back in November, I had visions of my Mum cheering me over the finish line, being proud of me for raising money for such a worth cause. It's now looking very likely that she'll still be there watching me finish, it's just that I'll be the only one able to see her.

So after 13 days off from running (!) due to my injury, I'm now back out and unleashing my vengeance on the pavements. Yesterday was a 6mile run to ease myself back into it. Happily the swimming I've been doing recently seems to have paid off as my time hasn't really suffered. It did feel like more of an effort though, so my legs are going to have to get used to it again. They haven't got long either as I've got my longest run of 18 miles scheduled in for this weekend. Still, the sprint training work tonight should have helped somewhat. So fingers crossed I can stay injury free from here on in until the big day.

If you've already sponsored me, thank you so much. If you're waiting until closer to the event - don't hang around! Sponsor me now so that I can achieve my target and make Mum proud.

Chris P

(sponsor me here)

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Day 77


This week has all been about feeling frustrated. I've been well behaved and not been out running on my 'dodgy leg', but unfortunately things don't seem to have got any better yet. Plus the only appointment I could get with a Physio is for this coming Wednesday, so the healing process may take a little longer than expected. I have still got some exercise in by going swimming at the gym and also continuing to just do some upper body and core muscle workouts - nothing that would put my leg under any stress.

It's also given me an opportunity to really start knuckling in to the fundraising side of this, and I have to say the support that has been shown by people I've spoken to over the weekend has been just wonderful. I've been to all the neighbours in nearby streets and without exception they all wished my Mum the best. With the support they've shown, I've managed to boost my total raised so far to £1213 !! That's 41% of my total target and I've still got 8 weeks to go. So a BIG THANK YOU to all those who've pledged to sponsor me. And if you haven't got your name down on the list yet, then what are you waiting for?!

Chris P

(sponsor me here)

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Day 73

I've taken today off to try and rest my leg issue. It feels incredibly awkward to not be outside running, especially after having not been too active during the day. Hopefully I can fix up an appointment with a sports physio tomorrow so that I can nail this problem and get back to running. I'm sure a few days off won't hurt my training, but mentally it's difficult not to be out there pounding the streets!

Chris P

(sponsor me here)

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Day 72

Yesterday was scheduled as a day off from running, so I just went to the gym instead. It'll be interesting to see if I have to lay off doing any squat exercises i future weeks, as I think these are most likely to make my legs fatigued for my runs.

I definitely felt it more in my calves on today's 6 mile run. I'm sure that's down to the gym, but I'll keep monitoring it to see how it goes. The next workout isn't until Friday and then Saturday's only got a 25 min run scheduled, so that shouldn't be too taxing. I did notice my muscle issue a bit on my run though. I'm going to do some research into it over the next few days and see if I should be taking it easier. The last thing I want to do is be laid up before the marathon!

Chris P

(sponsor me here)

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Days 69 & 70

Hi folks,

So Friday was a day off on my running schedule, so I went to the gym instead and worked out and swam.

Saturday was just a 5 mile steady run, but for some reason I ended up putting in a time of 37 mins. I wasn't really trying to run hard, but I guess I must have inadvertantly done so. I played golf afterwards as well, which in hindsight might not have been the best move, as I think I've twisted a muscle on the right side of my lower right leg. It was a bit sore walking around the back end of the course.

Thankfully my leg didn't give me too much grief on my run this morning, although I could feel it twinging slightly. Today was a 12 mile run, and I put in my quickest time so far for this distance of 1:30:39. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not that I'm running quickly at the moment. It's still 3 weeks until my next farthest distance of 18 miles, so I think as long as I take that steady I should be ok.

Another rest day tomorrow, so I'll be heading down the gym again. Depending on how my leg feels, I might end up laying off of the squats.

See you back here Tuesday.

Chris P

(sponsor me here)

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Day 67

So today was just a steady 6 miles. Strange really as it felt a little easier than Tuesday's run, yet the times were exactly the same. I guess my pace is getting pretty consistent, which is promising. This weekend is going to be busy! I've got golf and a 5 mile run to fit in on Saturday, and then the same again Sunday, except with a 12 mile run. I think I'm going to enjoy my day off from running tomorrow.

Mum update: My Uncle called today to say he's coming over from Australia to see her next week. She's obviously happy yet sad at the same time as she thinks it's kind of signalling the end. He was due to come over in June but has brought it forward considering the situation. We're all keeping positive, but there are some emotional moments at times. I'm keeping my fingers crossed she'll see me make it over the finish line (and hopefully for a lot longer).

Total sponsorship has reached about £500, so a big thanks to all of you who've pledged money so far. Most of this I've collected offline so it's not reflected in my total on my justgiving page. That leaves £1400 to go for my minimum target, so there's still time to make your generosity count.

Chris P

(sponsor me here)

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Day 66 - Halfway!!

So this is the halfway point in my training - only 66 more days to go until the big event!

Today's regime was the good old run up a hill for 40 secs as fast as you can, jog back down and repeat 8 times, with a 10 minute warm up/down either side. This is one to make the legs ache the next day, especially as I paid a visit to the gym toady as well. What's that? Glutton for punishment I hear you say? Probably :-)

Chris P

(sponsor me here)

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Day 65

Hi folks,

Do you ever get the feeling that you really don't want to go out and run? I was chatting to someone yesterday in a marathon forum who was saying how they'd just got over an ankle injury and were finding it hard to get back out training. Well, today was my day. Yesterday I could quite happily have gone for a run, but it was scheduled as a day off, so instead the 6 mile jaunt was left for today. And guess what, it was windy and raining. Joy.

These are the times when you need to remind yourself why you are putting in all this hard work. By the time the big day comes and you cross that finish line, just knowing what you will have achieved in terms of completing the race and raising money for a good cause will make everything your going through now worthwhile. That's what I keep telling myself if I don't feel like running and it seems to work for me.

More hill training tomorrow, so I'll see you then (hopefully a bit drier than today!)

Chris P

(sponsor me here)

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Day 63

Today was the longest run on the schedule so far - 15 miles. It also happened to be my Grandpa's 84th birthday and most of the family were coming up to celebrate (as well as see Mum), which meant that I had to be off early doors so that I would be finished in time for lunch.

Happily we (I ran with my friend Al who is also doing the marathon) finished in a time of 1:58:10, so still getting in under the 8 minute mile barrier, and that included a Paula Radcliffe style pee stop (although I did use a bush for cover!)

No real issues on the run, and the isotonic gels seem to be keeping us going. 1 every 1/2 hr is plenty, and it seems to come by quickly. I did experience a slight cramping in my hamstring with about 1 mile to go, but after threatening to come on a couple of times, thankfully it never set in.

So the confidence levels are building now. This is the furthest I've ever run and I certainly didn't feel out of breath at any stage. I think the real challenge for running the marathon will be getting the leg muscles used to running that distance. The rest of the body is more than capable of completing the race. From here on in though it's a steady high mileage every Sunday. There's one 10k in a couple of weeks, but other than that it's all 10 miles plus. Bring it on!

Chris P

(sponsor me here)

Friday, 1 February 2008

Day 61

I've been slightly off-schedule this week, and yesterday was all down to a funny man with big collars!
I went with friends to see a recording of Harry Hill's TV Burps - absolutely hilarious, but it did mean that I didn't have time to fit in a run. However, as today was meant to be a rest day, I just swapped the two around, so today I've been for a steady 5 miles.

Yesterday did prove quite useful in fact, as I stumbled across a dedicated running shop. Due to my knee issues I decided to get properly fitted for shoes, just to make sure it wasn't my footwear that was responsible for my aches. I have to say they did know their stuff, so I walked out with a new pair of trainers which suit my feet and running style perfectly. The interesting thing was, the shoes I was recommended are the '08 version of my current trainers - so it looks like they weren't the cause after all. Still, at least now I have two pairs of good running shoes I can alternate between :-)

Another rest day tomorrow before Sunday's 15 miler.

See you then

Chris P

(sponsor me here)