Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Day 65

Hi folks,

Do you ever get the feeling that you really don't want to go out and run? I was chatting to someone yesterday in a marathon forum who was saying how they'd just got over an ankle injury and were finding it hard to get back out training. Well, today was my day. Yesterday I could quite happily have gone for a run, but it was scheduled as a day off, so instead the 6 mile jaunt was left for today. And guess what, it was windy and raining. Joy.

These are the times when you need to remind yourself why you are putting in all this hard work. By the time the big day comes and you cross that finish line, just knowing what you will have achieved in terms of completing the race and raising money for a good cause will make everything your going through now worthwhile. That's what I keep telling myself if I don't feel like running and it seems to work for me.

More hill training tomorrow, so I'll see you then (hopefully a bit drier than today!)

Chris P

(sponsor me here)

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