Sunday, 16 March 2008

Day 105

We held Mum's funeral service yesterday. There was a wonderful turnout of family and friends; so nice to see many of the people whose lives had been touched in some way by Mum. The service itself was beautiful, with all persons involved drawing great strength and delivering their pieces admirably. It's hard to put into words quite how I feel. There's a whole rollercoaster of emotions which can appear at any time. Anybody who has ever lost someone close to them will understand the empty feeling that it leaves. You'll get that realisation that you're never going to see that person again, but likewise you know that they've gone to a better place, free from pain. Generally, I think I'm doing pretty well, and it helps to have family and friends to support one another through times like these. I will miss her.

After the emotions of yesterday and the consumption of a few drinks along the way, it was no surprise that I only recorded a time of 1:47:30 for my half marathon today. Mind, it certainly wasn't helped by the weather either; very wet and windy for the whole duration.

Next Sunday's the final big run before the main event; 20 miles. From there on in it tapers down until we get to April 13th - M day!

I'll be back during the week.

Chris P

(sponsor me here)

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