Sunday 17 February 2008

Day 77


This week has all been about feeling frustrated. I've been well behaved and not been out running on my 'dodgy leg', but unfortunately things don't seem to have got any better yet. Plus the only appointment I could get with a Physio is for this coming Wednesday, so the healing process may take a little longer than expected. I have still got some exercise in by going swimming at the gym and also continuing to just do some upper body and core muscle workouts - nothing that would put my leg under any stress.

It's also given me an opportunity to really start knuckling in to the fundraising side of this, and I have to say the support that has been shown by people I've spoken to over the weekend has been just wonderful. I've been to all the neighbours in nearby streets and without exception they all wished my Mum the best. With the support they've shown, I've managed to boost my total raised so far to £1213 !! That's 41% of my total target and I've still got 8 weeks to go. So a BIG THANK YOU to all those who've pledged to sponsor me. And if you haven't got your name down on the list yet, then what are you waiting for?!

Chris P

(sponsor me here)

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